Tooltip inconsistency?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Apr 5 18:42:08 EDT 2006

Graham Samuel wrote:
> I have an app which often displays a main window (stack) and a couple  
> of palettes. There are tooltips associated with objects on the main  
> screen and on the palettes. The browse tool is always in use, but  
> nevertheless if I click on one of the palettes, then the tooltips in  
> the main window don't appear until I click somewhere on this window:  
> the palette tooltips are always available.
> This doesn't seem to me to be expected behaviour - AFAIK, palettes  
> shouldn't take the focus away from a 'toplevel' window. Can anyone  say 
> what I should be expecting here, and if the problem is as it  seems, 
> suggest a workaround?

If tooltips in a palette are to work at all, the palette window has to 
acquire the focus so that the mouse object is recognized, so I'd think 
that the current behavior is necessary. If it were otherwise, clicking 
in a palette wouldn't do anything, since the click would pass through to 
the main stack.

One workaround might be to (re)set the topstack after every mouseup in 
the palette. Make sure you pass the mouseup in every palette object that 
has a mouseup handler, and then put a "catchall" mouseup handler in the 
card or stack of the palette:

  on mouseup
   toplevel "myMainStack"
   set the defaultstack to "myMainStack"
  end mouseup

I haven't actually tried this, so check it; you may not need the 
defaultstack line.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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