go stack and start using stack - conformation please?

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Wed Apr 5 13:13:24 EDT 2006

David Burgun wrote:
> Hi All,
> As as I understand it, if you do a "go to StackX" but don't do a  "start 
> using stackX", then you can send it messages but not call  functions 
> within StackX.

Not exactly. A "go" command is identical to opening a stack using the 
"Open" menu item in the File menu. The stack becomes the topstack and 
functions like any other topstack, with all its scripts available as 
part of the normal message hierarchy. All normal system messages are 
sent when the stack opens. As a matter of fact, "go" is the primary 
method of opening a stack via script.

> If you do a "start using StackX" but don't do a go to "StackX" then  you 
> can call functions in the stack but cannot send.

Not quite. The "start using" command is almost identical to "insert 
script of <whatever> into back", but it inserts only the stack script. 
The current card script is not available, nor are any other object 
scripts. If you want to access any script other than the stack script, 
you can "send" to them directly but cannot use them as part of the 
normal hierarchy. "Start using" is a shortcut for "insert script of 
stack X into back".

For trivia buffs: "start using" places the script before of the Home 
stack script, where "insert" places it after the Home stack script.

> If do "start using" and "go" then you can send messages and you can  
> call functions.

Yes, but you can use the entire script without both going and using. You 
can pick whichever you need; "go' makes the stack visible (unless you 
"go invisible" specifically) and functions just like "open", including 
sending all system navigation messages (openStack, openCard, etc.) and 
making access to the current card script available; "start using" loads 
the stack script only without sending any system messages and without 
making the stack visible.

> Is this correct??

One out of three, sorta. ;)

> Many Thanks
> All the Best
> Dave
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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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