
William de Smet wdesmet at wanadoo.nl
Sat Apr 1 12:38:49 EST 2006

Hi Liam,

I just use a field "tUsername" and a 'OK' button with the following scripting:
on mouseup
   if field "tUsername" is empty then answer error" You must fill in your name!"
   if field "tUsername" is not empty then go to card "...."
  put field "tUsername" of card "main" into field "name" of card "...."
end mouseup

Now you can use the field "name" for whatever you like.

William de Smet

2006/4/1, liamlambert <liamlambert at mac.com>:
> The login that I need is just to keep a log of who was useing the
> software
>   the date time , and only to
> let the registered people use the software
> Liam Lambert
> liamlambert at mac.com
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