Unix scripting help

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Thu Sep 29 13:22:10 EDT 2005


did you saw my second mail regarding the wait command?

On Sep 29, 2005, at 2:01 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> Andre,
> Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work unfortunately.  It is  
> like the background command isn't working, so I bet that's the  
> issue.  I'll check the guide and see if there's anything else, but  
> do you know if there's some other way to start a process in the  
> background like this that would work from a script?
> Thanks.
> On Sep 29, 2005, at 10:46 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:
>> Hello Chris,
>> First of all, I recommend taking a look at http://www.tldp.org/LDP/ 
>> abs/html/ which is the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. A very good  
>> reading.
>> There's a chapter under basic called exit and exit status which I  
>> think will cover what you need, if all you need is a return value  
>> for your script then use "exit 0" for zero is the default OK for  
>> unix.
>> I'll further check the guide to see if the background command  
>> you're using (&) can be called from scripts, if I discover  
>> something new, I'll send a new email to the list, in the mean time  
>> if exit 0 works, drop me a note. :D
>> Cheers
>> andre
>> On Sep 29, 2005, at 1:14 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
>>> I can't get this to go through for some reason.  So here it is  
>>> again.
>>> I hope I'm not totally off topic here.
>>> I've got an installer in Rev that has to start a process under OS  
>>> X using the shell function.  I'm able to get the process to start  
>>> just fine using a command line script.  But the problem I'm  
>>> having is this particular process does not return any value when  
>>> started, and the shell command is not exiting because of this (at  
>>> least that's what I assume is happening).  So my script just kind  
>>> of hangs at that point.  The process I'm starting is the  
>>> Valentina database server.
>>> So what I'm looking for is a way to run my script, which starts  
>>> the process, but include in my script something that says, "Okay,  
>>> I'm finished now", and will allow my handler to go on at that  
>>> point.  This is the current script I'm running with the shell  
>>> function:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> pw=[PasswordHere]  -- this is obtained earlier with an  
>>> authentication dialog
>>> echo $pw | sudo -S /Library/RNSEServer/RNSEServer &
>>> exit
>>> Now, if I run these lines one at a time from a Terminal window  
>>> everything works great.  But if I run the script all at once,  
>>> whether from Revolution or from a Unix script file, it hangs,  
>>> almost as if the exit command isn't executing.  So is there  
>>> something I can use in place of 'exit' that will cause my script  
>>> to finish?  Or is there same way to cause the shell function not  
>>> to wait like it does by default?  I was previously using "open  
>>> process" instead of shell, and that worked except that it would  
>>> launch the process as the user who was logged into the computer  
>>> rather than as the root user, and I need it to run as root.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Chris Sheffield
>>> Read Naturally
>>> The Fluency Company
>>> http://www.readnaturally.com
>>> ------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------
> Chris Sheffield
> Read Naturally
> The Fluency Company
> http://www.readnaturally.com
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