Detecting height of dock and taskbar

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Sep 29 07:45:58 EDT 2005

> Is there a way to detect the height of the dock in OSX and of the
> taskbar in windows.
> I try to create a complete set of routines to: create open and save
> documents (windows and mac).
> While opening a document I want it to be completly on the screen (also
> the bottomRight so it's
> possible to resize the doc) and have an offset for the topLeft from
> other open docs.
> For this I need to know how much room to leave at the bottom for the
> dock or the taskbar.
> I guess I need a shell command to do this, but unfortunatly I have no
> clue

Check out the windowBoundingRect. It gives you the usable rectangle
allowing for the dock or taskbar. However with Macs, it does not allow
for the menu bar, so you may need increase the 2nd item to stop your
windows disappearing under the menu bar.


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