slooowwww text entry in fields

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Mon Sep 26 21:41:25 EDT 2005

I forgot who mentioned it, maybe Ken. You were totally right about 
throbbing buttons. With several of my biggest stacks open, including 
some that send messages to themselves periodically, running a rather 
complex script every second or so, Rev's CPU usage declined from 90% 
to 0.5% when I de-throbbed several buttons.

I'm not sure yet, but I've gotta hunch that slow text entry will no 
longer be an "issue".

Silly me! I assumed that these buttons would use minimal resources 
because they are native to the OS. As far as I can tell, there's no 
easy way to get the shaded Aqua button effect, without the throbbing. 
Too bad!

Anybody know about which graphics cards on which machines will take 
the load off the CPU by handling most of the GUI graphics 
independently? I remember reading something about this, but can't 
recall the details.

Maybe an upgraded graphics card be a poor man's substitute for a 
faster machine, in some cases... like mine. I've always wondered.



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