data-design question
Alex Tweedly
alex at
Sat Sep 24 21:23:42 EDT 2005
Charles Hartman wrote:
> Ah, you're right. I remembered the Oracle limitation, but over-
> generalized.
> But $149 for the plugin is not what I would call "inexpensive." I
> suppose if you start from a RunRev assumption, and have
> (remunerative) applications for it, then it is; if you start from a
> Dreamcard assumption, no.
Yeah, I agree the plug-in is kind of expensive for personal hobby use.
If it were me, I'd take a different approach.
Rev front end, talking over a TCP socket to a Python back end.
Python (plus pysqlite2) for the back end.
Not sure, but I'd probably make the socket protocol take SQL statements
and return lists of results (as well as any other command + responses I
felt would be useful). has some data that would be a basic start for data entry -
doesn't have anything like the complete data you want, but it would be a
start if you could get track names from there - you'd still need to add
the author and individual player info.
If you're interested in collaborating (and assuming it's going to be
Open Source when you're done) I'd be interested in helping,
particularly with the Python / sockets parts ..... I'd probably want to
make it capable of storing multiple tunes per CD track and some other
things that I think would be extensions beyond what you'd need.
Alex Tweedly
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