Clipboard madness

MisterX b.xavier at
Fri Sep 23 15:53:47 EDT 2005


I don't do this annoy you, not for mischief or vendeta, not to insult anyone

> Don't tell me what I did or didn't do...

I didn't! I suggested what you did and what you got which is not what im
getting because that's not how I said it worked... And now for the proof by
the absurd time waste. 

I opened your stack and yes, that works... 
Suprised? No!!! 

!!I never said I copy pasted from rev to rev... !!

I said

"Today, when i copy the line from any program" - 

Fortunately you understood it was pasted to rev... (just teasing ya ;)

And yes, from rev to rev fields or other programs fields' this works...

but then I go to outlook (or bogus notes 5-6.5), copy the string:

emcacl \\server\fs$\userprog\xxxxxxx /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F

from the mail I posted, go to the message box in Rev and paste and it get 

emcacl \\\\$\\ /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F "OAAD\":C

my guess is that the reason your stack works and the windows application
doesnt is because of the the clipboarddata["rtf"] which is the "native
format" in rev fields - not the html and when you copy text from a field,
you probably overide the html part.


When I copy from outlook
this being the clipboarddata["rtf"] I got from outlook:
{\rtf\ansi {\fonttbl{\f0\fnil \fcharset0 MS Sans-Serif;}{\f1\fnil \fcharset0
{\f1 \fs20 emcacl }{\f1 \fs20 \cf9 \ul \'5C\'5C\'5C\'5C$\'5C\'5C\ul0 }{\f1
\fs20  /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F "OAAD\'5C":C}
\par }

the html data:
<p><font face="Courier New" size="14">emcacl </font><font face="Courier New"
size="14" color="#0000FF"><u>\\\\$\\</u></font><font face="Courier New"
size="14"> /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F

the text data:
emcacl \\server\fs$\userprog\xxxxxxx /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F

but when you copy it from any rev field you get 

RTF data:
emcacl \'5C\'5Cserver\'5Cfs$\'5Cuserprog\'5Cxxxxxxx /t /c /y /q /g
"SYSTEM":F "OAAD\'5Cxxxxxxx":C
\par }

HTML data:
<p><font face="Courier New" size="14">emcacl </font><font face="Courier New"
size="14" color="#0000FF"><u>\\\\$\\</u></font><font face="Courier New"
size="14"> /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F

Text data:
emcacl \\server\fs$\userprog\xxxxxxx /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F

voila: no fuss, you can't beat a professional system engineer on his
grounds... ;)

Im not going to try with ultraedit, notepad, wordpad, metapad, explorer,
Iexploiter, Firefox, etc... but if it doesn't work with MS office
applications, all business users are going to have a problem sooner or

This is not personal Mark, and I really thank you for your effort in trying
to show me what's wrong - and you had my hopes up for a second...

Not your usual Revolution website...

-----Original Message-----
From: use-revolution-bounces at
[mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Wieder
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 7:57 PM
To: 'How to use Revolution'
Subject: Re: Clipboard madness


Don't tell me what I did or didn't do...

There's a sample stack in my RevOnline folder (mwieder) for you
(XCopyTest) with copying and pasting data in all the various combinations.
They *all* work just fine from here.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

Thursday, September 22, 2005, 10:02:52 PM, you wrote:

> MisterX-

> Thursday, September 22, 2005, 3:58:04 PM, you wrote:

>> Again... What happens is that if there is html in the clipdata, what 
>> is in between backslashes gets filtered out...

>> I copied this

>> emcacl \\server\fs$\userprog\xxxxxxx /t /c /y /q /g "SYSTEM":F 
>> "OAAD\xxxxxxx":C

> Works fine here, too, under Win2k and rev 2.6...

> Mark

> that's because you copied text only - not html...

> your clipboarddata["html"] was empty... so the ["text"] part was used...

> cheers
> Xavier


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