Resizable stack on Windows standalone?

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue Sep 20 01:29:18 EDT 2005

On 9/20/05, Jon Seymour <jonseymour at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm developing on OS X and creating a standalone to run on
> Windows. So far...remarkable how well it works. But for the life of
> me I cannot figure out why my stack can't be resized in Windows.
> There simply isn't a place to drag. I'm sure the stack is set to
> "resizable" and I even set the property in a script when it opens.
> I've looked at many Windows apps and find the same drag icon in the
> lower right that I'm expecting Rev to put in there for me. But no.
> Help!?!

You have set the decorations to default for resizing to work under Windows.


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