Resizable stack on Windows standalone?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Sep 20 00:33:41 EDT 2005

--- Jon Seymour <jonseymour at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm developing on OS X and creating a standalone
> to run on  
> Windows. So far...remarkable how well it works. But
> for the life of  
> me I cannot figure out why my stack can't be resized
> in Windows.  
> There simply isn't a place to drag. I'm sure the
> stack is set to  
> "resizable" and I even set the property in a script
> when it opens.  
> I've looked at many Windows apps and find the same
> drag icon in the  
> lower right that I'm expecting Rev to put in there
> for me. But no.  
> Help!?!
> Thanks, Jon

Hi Jon,

Most Windows apps allow you to resize the window by
grabbing any of its sides -- mousing around the edge
of a window will turn the cursor into resizing arrows.

Dialog boxes, on the other hand, are usually not
resizable, and will display a sort of striped triangle
that you can grab to resize the window.

If you're looking for this striped triangle, you can
find it in the Object Library in the Development menu.
Of course you're not limited to putting these in
dialog boxes, but I'm sure someone has the Windows
User Interface Guidelines handy.

Richard Gaskin of Fourth World has an excellent list
of human interface guidelines in his Resources

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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