"Kinky" sort...

Mark Smith masmit at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 11:37:04 EDT 2005

Sorry, I mean it gives:

1,text 1,group1,20050104
2,text 2,group1,20050104
8,text 8,group1,20050104
9,text 9,,20050204
5,text 5,group2,20050104
7,text 7,,20050104
6,text 6,,20050204
3,text 3,group2,20051004
10,text 10,group3,20050104
4,text 4,group3,20051004

if you want all the "groupless" lines at the bottom of their  
respective groups, then sort on item 3 as well during the second  
repeat structure...



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