More drawing tool woes: no mouseDown or mouseUp sent?

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Sep 11 15:32:27 EDT 2005

On 9/11/05 7:58 AM, "Marielle Lange" <rp011s7075 at> wrote:

>> Apparently the mouseDown and mouseUp messages are not sent when the
>> pointer tool is active unless the user clicks with button 3; the
>> normal button 1 click never sends the message to the card.  Unlike
>> SuperCard, we have no pointerDown or pointerUp message which would
>> make this a snap.
>> I've tried placing a graphic object at the back of my group to trap
>> messages like ...
> Hi Richard,
> Have you also tried with a button object at the back of your group?

I spoke to Richard about trying something like that, but unfortunately he
also needs to be able to click and drag to create a selection rectangle
around objects; and the only way you can do this is if you click on the card
itself (attempting to click on an object, a locked object, or an object with
the cantselect turned on all prevent this behavior from happening).

Good thought, though...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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