asynchronous progress indicator

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sun Sep 11 09:00:50 EDT 2005

Hi Sims,

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 11 sept. 05 à 14:54, sims a écrit :

> I might be wrong, but I seem to recall someone posting a script for
> making OS X asynchronous progress indicators a while back.
> If someone has that script would they please post it to the
> list or send it to me?
> I have searched for this and cannot find it...I might have imagined  
> this  ;-)
> I do have the animated gif version, thank you /H, but I am
> looking for the script for such an animal. Hugh describes that
> as " (the grey 'flower' with chasing 'petals') ".
> btw - the Scripter's Scrapbook by Hugh Senior is an excellent
> addition to my plugins folder - thank you Hugh.
> ciao,
> sims

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