Google search with unicode or HTMLText?

Curtis Ford cford at
Wed Sep 7 16:29:42 EDT 2005

I'm working on a project with a button to send a word to Google to  
show additional examples in a browser. The following code works fine  
with languages using the Latin alphabet; accents, umlauts, etc. don't  
seem to cause problems:

  on mouseUp

    put "" into tWordToSearch
    put  fld "word field" of cd "Review Words" after tWordToSearch
    revGoURL tWordToSearch

end mouseUp

I'd like it to work with Russian but can't figure out what I need to  
change. The code above gives me this in the browser's search bar:

I've tried using urlEncode(tWordToSearch), setting useUnicode to  
true, using unicodeText of the field that contains the search term,  
etc., but can't get the right combination .. anyone have any ideas?



Dr. Curtis Ford
Instructor of Russian and Linguistics
Dept. of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
University of South Carolina
cford at

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