Grouped Scrolling Fields

Klaus Major klaus at
Wed Sep 7 07:22:56 EDT 2005

Hi Joe,

> Hi Everyone,
> Here's another newbie question. What's the best way to get several  
> fields to
> scroll together?

dunno if this is the BEST way, but you can script the one and only  
field WITH
a scrollbar like this:

on scrollbardrag tValue
   ## tValue contains the amount of "scrolling" of this field
   ## and we just apply that value to the other fields...
   set the scroll of fld 2 to tValue
   set the scroll of fld 3 to tValue
   set the scroll of fld 4 to tValue
end scrollbardrag

I have 4 fields side by side and only the right one has a scrollbar  
with this script.
See this example "live" on Rev-online -> klausimausi -> Fun with fields

This will not scroll if you use a "scrollwheel" on your mouse!
You will have to trap some "rawKeyDown"s for this.

I don't have a scrollwheel, so I cannot help you with that one, in  
case you need it...

> Joe
> Orlando, Florida


Klaus Major
klaus at

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