Dumb question about RunRev Documentation

Roger Guay irog at mac.com
Sun Oct 30 11:37:12 EST 2005


AudioClip doesn't offer to expand to messages on my copy of 2.6.1.   
What version are you using?  If I'm correct, is there yet another way  
to get to the messages in version 2.6.1??

Cheers, Roger

On Oct 30, 2005, at 4:01 AM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com  

> graham samuel wrote:
> Those instructions are for Rev documentation pre 2.5  (the docs were
> significantly revised and improved at 2.5).
> The instructions work fine for 2.2 :-)
> But if you don't have Rev 2.2 still installed, try
> 1. select the Objects button in the toolbar at the top of the doc  
> window
> 2. expand the left menu/tree for   + Objects   +  AudioClip  + message
> and you get the equivalent info.

> Alex Tweedly       http://www.tweedly.net

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