Ensuring numeric input

FlexibleLearning at aol.com FlexibleLearning at aol.com
Fri Oct 28 04:18:19 EDT 2005

Ooops. Late again. My standard numberField  solution is similar to Michael's 
but simpler as it doesn't need to handle  multiple lines. It does, hoever, 
validate pre- rather than post-process and  restores the old value if necessary...

local lOldValue

on  openField
put me into lOldValue
end openField

on keyDown  tKey
if (tKey=".") AND ("." is in me) then exit keyDown
else  if (tKey="-") AND (me="") then pass keyDown
else if tKey is in  "0123456789." then pass keyDown
end keyDown

on closeField
set the numberFormat to "0.00"
put line 1 of me into me
if  me is NOT a number then put lOldValue into me
else add 0 to me
end  closeField

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