working method?

Dennis Brown see3d at
Wed Oct 26 23:07:06 EDT 2005


Depending on the size and complexity, you could take several  
approaches --I just have one.

The main application I am developing has just 1 stack and 1 card.  I  
put all the data crunching routines in the stack script and all the  
UI routines in the card script.  I only put other significant scripts  
into a few major buttons (like Print or Select File...).  All the  
rest of the UI elements call handlers in the card script if they even  
have a script.  I combine a lot of UI element scripts by passing an  
argument or simply using "the target".  It has been a snap to keep  
track of, but I only have 3000 lines of code and 200 handlers in 370  
UI elements --not much by most standards.


On Oct 26, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Charles Hartman wrote:

> I know this is going to sound like a *really* dumb question, if  
> only because it's so vague. But I'm wondering how people adjust  
> their workflow to the way Transcript's code is dispersed among many  
> separate scripts.
> I keep getting lost. I keep forgetting where my code is that does  
> such-and-such. (Which script was that in?) So I keep losing track  
> of what I was about to do next, and my concentration falls apart.  
> It's making Rev *much* slower for me to program in than supposedly  
> more complicated languages like Python and C++.
> Anybody think this makes any sense? Any hints how to think about it  
> differently?
> Charles Hartman
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