Display problems remain in 2.6.1 using OS X
Jim Hurley
jhurley at infostations.com
Wed Oct 26 16:52:59 EDT 2005
Just got around to downloading 2.6.1.
Haven't had a chance yet to explore all the good bug fixes yet. But,
the first thing I did was to check the screen refresh problem in OS
X. That remains a problem. The screen does not refresh after many
commands that affect the screen, such as "set the loc of...." and
writing to the screen. In the example:
on mouseUp
put "" into field "display"
put "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their
country." into tText
repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in tText
put char i of tText after field "display"
unlock screen
end repeat
end mouseUp
The line "unlock screen" (or wait 0 milisec) is necessary in OS X to
get a smooth banner display.
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