[ANN] tm|numeric Plugin

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Thu Oct 20 15:21:28 EDT 2005

Recently, Jerry Daniels wrote:
> After a couple hundred test cycles and hundreds of suggestions on
> design and UI, I have decided that no two people want the same IDE.

And Mark Weider replied:
> ...and in a funny sort of way, I kind of like it like that. I'm fully
> into celebrating diversity, not just living with it.

And Richard Gaskin also chimed in:
> Well said.  That's one of the beautiful things about Rev's plugin
> architecture and that most of its scripts are exposed:  the
> opportunities for extensibility are boundless.

Well, ok then, how about another slice of diversity?

Today I'm announcing another small plugin for the IDE of your choice:
tm|numeric.  This plugin acts as a numerical display and editor for stack
development, dynamically showing values for stacks and selected object's
width, height, layer, and x/y position, as well as the object's name and
number.  You can double click any displayed value (except number) to edit
the value and apply it to the selected object.  It's a really fast way to
edit your controls numerically.

This plugin also introduces a new editing method we're trying out:
scroll-editing. By clicking and holding on a displayed value, one can
increase or decrease the value simply by moving the mouse up and down,
without the need to type in a value.

tm|numeric very simple and very small, which is in keeping with our
philosophy about these types of tools: keep them small and out of your way.
Yes, size really does matter.

tm|numeric was built to work with the Revolution and MetaCard IDEs, on
Windows and MacOS, as well as with Constellation, the powerful stack editor
developed by Daniels & Mara, Inc.
We've tried to make this plugin as IDE-compatible as possible -- of course,
if you run across any issues, please let us know.

tm|numeric is available for US$12 via PayPal (an account is not required).
Please visit the 'Media' section of our Web site
<http://www.tactilemedia.com> for ordering information.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at tactilemedia.com
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

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