Function to break apart a Long Name?
Cubist at
Cubist at
Tue Oct 18 22:59:26 EDT 2005
sez revolution at
>At 4:00 PM +0100 10/17/2005, David Burgun wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a function that will extract name of the
>>Control, Group, Card and Stack from a long name string?
>>e.g. I have a string of the form:
>>control "A" of group "B" of card "C" of stack "D"
>>And I would like to have:
>>local myControlName = A
>>local myGroupName = B
>>local myCardName = C
>>local myStackName = D
>I'd use the short name in conjunction with the owner for this:
> -- "myControl" is control "A" of group "B" of card "C" of stack "D"
> put the short name of myControl into myControlName
> put the short name of the owner of myControl into myGroupName
> put the short name of the owner of the owner of myControl into myCardName
> put the short name of the owner of the owner of the owner of
>myControl into myStackName
Problem: If you use this on something that *isn't* in a group, myGroupName
will end up being the name of a card; myCardName will be the stack name; and
I'm not sure *what* myStackName will end up as. Also, what happens to the long
name of a control that lives in a *substack*?
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