
Marielle Lange mlange at
Mon Oct 17 06:45:59 EDT 2005

<Timothy wrote>
> I said on the old thread that the ideal revDocWiki would begin with  
> the existing Rev docs, which would then be improved, edited,  
> expanded, scripting examples added, and maybe links to mini-stacks  
> that demonstrating various features and topics in more depth, and  
> so on. It seemed to me that there would have to be some responsible  
> editorial control over the Wiki, even if the editors were  
> volunteers authorized by Rev, or authorized by some kind of panel  
> of Rev gurus, or something.

This is an excellent suggestion... but yes, the initiative or at  
least approval for such an initiative has to come from revolution.  
Converting the doc into html or wiki format is not the issue. And  
yes, there need to be a small group of trusted editors taking care of  

The environment to look at, then, is something like plone/zope. You  
can easily have documents that have for status "submitted" and not  
put on-line before approval from the editors... again, the issue  
there is reputation. Understandbly Revolution would prefer to avoid  
any solution where there is a risk of the content become filled with  

Another option to consider is writing a tutorial wikibook. Killing  
two birds with the same stone: Regularly updated documetnation +  
Promoting Revolution to a larger market.

<Russ wrote>
> I did find this 
> page=SoftwareRevolution, but felt that it wasn't quite what I was  
> looking for.

In what sense?

These page are meant to serve exactly the same purpose  you propose. 

I agree, this is a bit burried down, there is too much content on  
this wiki... I try to give more visibility to what seems to trigger  
interest (feedback on the list, number of hits on the page in the  
week that follows any announcement I make). And I advertise on  
mailing lists like this content that more specifically of interest to  
a given community.  :-).

> So, I've set up a wiki at . I've  
> posted the 3 work arounds for the issues that have caused me the  
> most frustration up until now. is new to me, so I  
> can't vouch for them as a reliable space to host this information,  
> however, I figure it's worth trying it out.
> If anyone else is interested, please take a look and maybe post  
> some information there as well.

Honestly, I am very unconfortable with the fact you have an AdsSense  
Google for a page where (1) you expect others to contribute to the  
content and (2) you try to have your wiki assume some official role  
(if you created your wiki as a follow up to Timothy's email).  
AdsSense Google are perfectly ok in the context of blogs, or personal  
website, but when found on a website which invites me to contribute  
quality content, I expect to earn a few pences every time I  
contribute something ;).


PS. Busy... not the time to follow all emails on this list... going  
away for a wedding (mine actually) in less than 10 days.... will have  
even less presence then as I will be away for a full month... Anybody  
to keep an eye on my wiki during that time (coming close from a  
computer during my honeymoon would be preparing a case for divorce :) ).

Marielle Lange (PhD),  Psycholinguist

Alternative emails: mlange at, M.Lange at

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