Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO [|Not so Short]

Dan Shafer revdan at
Sat Oct 15 12:54:47 EDT 2005


And now you've BEGUN the process of describing benefits. Good start.  
Needs to be pared down and made more succinct. My attempt earlier  
seems like it might be somewhat close.


On Oct 15, 2005, at 8:29 AM, MisterX wrote:

>> Or as good marketing people also say:
>> "Sell the sizzle not the steak."
>> What it "is" counts for little, what it "does" is everything.
>> Or as good marketing people put it:
>> "Never list a feature without describing its benefits."
>> What is different about TAOO? And why should I care?
>> Paul Looney
> Paul
> if it makes your job to create stack easier and gives you more
> features for the bang, isn't it worth it? And I do mean long-term!
> If it auto-organizes things so you don't have to each time, it's
> worth it!
> If it auto-relates information so it's easier to retrieve it later,  
> that
> much smarter you go...
> Like everything, there's a learning curve and a cost to use it. One  
> you add
> on top of your current projects and efforts. But what if the  
> benefits dwarf
> the cost in the medium term?
> As an economist, I say TAOO is build against error making, self- 
> management.
> The rest is just more complete GUIs for your clients and a real  
> competitive
> edge... And that's worth the risk!
> cheers
> Xavier
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