Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Fri Oct 14 16:00:07 EDT 2005


why don't you do like simple rules, for example create a small resume  
of TAOO, in plain english, like the kind of text undergrads could  
understand. Then create a blog kind of page where you document TAOO  
little by little, with pratical examples. Then maybe you could gather  
this collab effort you want.


On Oct 14, 2005, at 4:22 PM, MisterX wrote:

> another try
> Alex inspired...
> TAOO is to rev as
> PHPNuke is to php and sql.
> But that's just the language of it...
> and it's not like any of you haven't done it at least once!
> TAOO is (in plainwords), how to make this happen everytime!
> but it's not there yet without your help...
> The problem with X-Men is about
> expressing their good will isn't it?
> ;)
> cheers
> Xav
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