Unicode on Win 98/ME

Trevor DeVore trevor at mangomultimedia.com
Fri Oct 14 13:14:27 EDT 2005

While doing some Unicode research I was talking to a friend who does  
develops Windows software about his experience with localizing  
software.  He said that when they had to support double-byte  
languages they looked at using the Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Win  
98/ME because Microsoft was touting it as a great solution.  He said  
that once they actually tried to implement it all sorts of problems  
arose though and they eventually scrapped the idea of using Unicode  
until they dropped support for 98/ME.

Not knowing how Rev handles Unicode on Win 98 I'm wondering if  
Unicode support on Win 98/ME is comparable to the other platforms  
(2000/XP).  Does anyone have any experience with using Unicode and  
Rev on Win 98/ME with languages like Russian, Chinese or Japanese?   
Any gotchas to be aware of?


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
trevor at mangomultimedia.com

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