num of bgs versus num of grps

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Wed Oct 12 19:27:35 EDT 2005

This reply is incomplete and may not solve anything, but here's my basic 
starting point for keeping it straight mentally:

A basic difference between calling one of those collection objects a 
'group' or a 'background' is SCOPE OF REFERENCE.

- When I talk about a 'background', I'm speaking in stack-level terms.

- When I talk about a 'group', I'm speaking in card-level terms.

This 'scope of reference' thing is [sort of] reflected in the counts 
you're getting.

That's where I start in my thinking about them. From there I start 
applying qualifications until distinctions become really muddy.

Phil Davis

Wouter wrote:
> Hi All,
> As there is a lot to do about background groups may be this is the  
> right time to ask about a completely undocumented feature (at least I  
> cannot find any reference to it (and I know this is not a reference  
> either :-))
> < put the number of backgrounds > is different from (though the docs  
> state group and background as equivalent)   < put the number of groups >
> "put the number of groups" : will report the total number of groups  on 
> the current card (and not in the complete stack if it is a  multicard 
> stack)
> "put the number of backgrounds" : will  report the number of groups  to 
> be found at cardlevel of a complete stack (one or multicard stack).
> in a 1 card stack:
>   -  If there are several groups  it will report the number of  groups, 
> whether the backgroundbehavior is set or not
>   -  if there is a group in a group in a .......   it will be  counted 
> as 1 group
> in a multicard stack:
>   -  it will report the total number of groups at cardlevel in that  stack
>         3 groups on each of 2 cards without backgroundbehavior set  to 
> true will be reported as 6 groups
>   -  if the backgroundproperty of a group is set to true it will be  
> counted only once
>          3 groups on each of 2 cards with  backgroundbehavior of 1  
> group set to true will be reported as 5 groups
> Can anyone confirm this?
> Greetings,
> Wouter
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