Question on message handling

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Oct 12 18:26:20 EDT 2005

On 10/12/05 2:22 PM, "Jim Hurley" <jhurley at> wrote:

> What  puzzles me is that the card apparently gets the keyDown message
> before the field does. That is exactly what I am looking for, but I
> don't quite  see why. If I'm typing in a field, why doesn't the
> field get the message before the card? Is that the priority that is
> set when the text is not locked, i.e. card first, field last?

No... in fact I created a simple test stack with a field with this script:

on keyDown
  put "Field" after msg
  pass keydown
end keyDown

and a card script that said:

on keyDown
  put "Card" after msg
  pass keydown
end keyDown

And when I clicked in the field, the message box read:


So the field is definitely getting the message first (which is what I would

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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