Copy Image

Todd Geist tg.lists at
Sat Oct 8 00:20:15 EDT 2005

On 10/7/05 3:32 PM, "Jerry Daniels" <jerry at> wrote:

> Todd,
> By all means, send an example along to me. If I can replicate it, I
> can fix it.
> I copy images pretty often but have not had any problems with it, but
> that doesn't mean there isn't a bug in there waiting to be fixed.
> Best,

I haven't been able to completely isolate the issue but I did get a work

My app is processing and saving some Clipboard Contents.  A series of
handlers does the work

GetTheClip  -- got the clipboard

ParseTheClip  -- Parsed some stuff and put the clipboard image in a img on
the current card

SaveTheClip  --  Saved some text and the img to a card on a data stack

"SaveTheClip" worked just fine As did "ParseTheClip". But strung together in
a parent handler they did not.

So I put a wait .05 sec in between them and everything worked.
That is as close as I can get.  If I get any more info I will pass it on.




Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e 

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