Machine network names

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Oct 6 11:48:46 EDT 2005

Sarah Reichelt wrote:
 >>>What I eventually decided to use for the unique machine ID -- instead of
 >>its network name -- was the host machine's MAC address. This handler
 >>gets that info, regardless of whether the program is running locally or
 > I don't expect it matters but you can have more than one MAC address
 > per machine. I have one for Ethernet and a different one for Airport.
 > The Ethernet one appears first in the preferences.plist, but is that
 > just because I am connected via enternet at the moment? Could the
 > order change if the connection method changes?
 > Just something for you to consider :-)

Thanks. I guess I'll get the "Ethernet" key first before parsing out the 
MAC address from it. Good point.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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