Determine active OS langguage

graham samuel graham.samuel at
Wed Oct 5 05:37:22 EDT 2005

Hi Trevor

Tried your function out on a French Windows XP SP2 system running  
RunRev 2.6 (after taking out spurious returns) and it didn't work -  
it just returned "en" because your registry query put nothing into  
tUserLangs. I am no expert, but it looks to me as if the Registry  
entries in the French system are under Control Panel\International 
\iCountry or \sCountry or \sLanguage

The value of iCountry on my system is 33 [which is the international  
phone code] and of sCountry is France [which is of course both French  
and English for France - presumably a German system for example would  
not say 'Germany' but 'Deutschland', but I haven't got a system to  
test it on) and of sLanguage is FRA. There is also \Locale which is a  
Hex figure 0000040C.

I'll experiment further it you would like to suggest which direction  
to take.



On Tue, 4 Oct 2005 16:17:51 -0700, Trevor DeVore  
<lists at> wrote:

> Here is what I came up with by combing the hints everyone provided.
> My app has language files identified using 2 character language codes
> (en,fr,de,etc).  This function returns one of those language codes
> based on the platform the app is running on.
> I've tested on OS X with English, French, German, Spanish and
> Italian.  I tested Win XP with English and it worked but haven't
> tested the other languages yet since I don't have Windows in anything
> but English.  If anyone wants to let me know how it works on their
> international system that would be great.  Otherwise I will just wait
> to hear back from the localization company.
> Thanks for the pointers.
> -- 
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> trevor at
> /**
> * Returns the two letter language code that our program can use to
> load a language file.
> *
> * @return 2 letter lang
> */
> function getUserLang
>      local tAppLangs = "en,fr,de,es,it"      --> LANGUAGE CODES THAT
>      local tAppLangsMac = "en,fr,de,es,it"   --> LANGUAGE CODES THAT
>      local tAppLangsWin = "9,12,17,10,6"     --> DECIMAL
>      local tUserLangs
>      local i
>      set wholeMatches to true
>      if platform() is "MacOS" then
>          put replaceText(shell("defaults read NSGlobalDomain
> AppleLanguages"),"(\s|\(|\))","") into tUserLangs
>          repeat for each item tLang in tUserLangs
>              put itemOffset(tLang, tAppLangsMac) into i
>              if i > 0 then exit repeat
>          end repeat
>      else if platform() is "Win32" then
>          put queryRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel
> \International\Locale") into tUserLangs
>          put baseConvert(tUserLangs,16,10) bitAND 1023 into tUserLangs
>          repeat for each item tLang in tUserLangs
>              put itemOffset(tLang, tAppLangsWin) into i
>              if i > 0 then exit repeat
>          end repeat
>      --> LINUX
>      else
>      end if
>      if i > 0 then return item i of tAppLangs
>      else return "en"
> end getUserLang

Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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