Bizarre problem of disappearing pictures on reducing stack size

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Tue Oct 4 13:05:35 EDT 2005

I'm feeling pretty silly about now... I just realized I repeated 
everything Sarah said! My apologies, Sarah.

Reading is a wonderful thing... guess I should do more of it!


Phil Davis wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Two tips that will at least tell you more about those unviewable images:
> 1) In the Application Browser, select one of them, then click the 
> "Inspector" button and look at the "Size and Position" panel of the 
> Inspector. That will tell you if the image is within the rectangle of 
> the stack, or if for some reason it is "offscreen". If offscreen, you can
>   set the loc of image "arrows" to the loc of image "withoutArrows"
> to bring it back onscreen.
> 2) Also in the same panel you can check the layer of the object. If the 
> layer number is lower than that of the image it's supposed to cover, it 
> won't be viewable even when visible. (The layers of both images should 
> also be shown in the Application Browser).
> Hopefully this will help bring those images back under control!
> Phil Davis
> Stgoldberg at wrote:
>> I've created a stack containing several hundred cards, each with a 
>> jpeg of   a radiologic image.   In order to test students, each x-ray 
>> is unlabeled with arrows.   In order to provide a clue to the student, 
>> I've prepared a duplicate hidden picture on each card with the same 
>> picture, but with arrows pointing to   key areas to look at.   The 
>> duplicate picture is titled "arrows" and is set to be hidden, until 
>> the student clicks on a button titled "hint" which contains the script 
>> '"show image "arrows"'.   In order to create the duplicate picture, I 
>> copied and immediately pasted the original picture on the same site on 
>> the card.   I then opened the image editor and put in the arrows and 
>> updated the picture.
>> I recently phrased the question to the forum as to whether it was 
>> possible to minimize the stack size, since so many of the original 
>> pictures were resized right on the card. Apparently, just resizing the 
>> images and   locking the size and position on the card does not reduce 
>> the size of the stack. So, Phil Davis suggested an excellent brief way 
>> to do this through the following script:
>> on mouseUp
>>     -- first, prevent the image from expanding when reset
>>     set the lockLoc of img "myImage" to true
>>     -- reset the image's data
>>     put the imageData of img "myImage" into tData
>>     set the imageData of img "myImage" to tData
>> end mouseUp
>> In order to try this on the entire stack, I modified the script a bit 
>> (fortunately I made a backup stack first):
>> repeat with x = 1 to the number of cards
>> go to card x
>> repeat with y = 1 to the number of images
>> if there is an image y then put the imageData of img y into tData
>> set the imageData of img y to tData
>> end if
>> end repeat
>> end repeat
>> This indeed did significantly reduce the stack size.   However, all of 
>> the "arrows" pictures in the stack disappeared. They would no longer 
>> appear with the command   'show image "arrows"' or on turning on "Show 
>> Invisible Objects" from the view menu.   The "arrows" pictures could 
>> not be found, but strangely they still were listed in the Application 
>> Browser.   Does anyone have any suggestion as to how to account for 
>> this?   The only thing I can think of is that the original pictures 
>> can be found in the Finder.   The duplicated pictures, as always, 
>> cannot.   Perhaps this has something to do with it.   Thanks very much.
>> Steve Goldberg

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