Drag and drop applications

Rob Beynon r.beynon at liv.ac.uk
Sat Oct 1 14:30:37 EDT 2005

Dear All

I want to create a simple text file processor to convert one data
format to another. ideally, the user will drag and drop the file onto a
program icon, and it will then process the file and write the processed
file back to the same location, with a new name (extension).

is this even remotely possible with Revolution?

All best wishes,

(Created at 19:29 on 01/10/2005)

Prof. Rob Beynon                    |+44 151 794 4312 (voice)
Dept. Veterinary Preclinical        |+44 151 794 4243 (fax)
Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ     |mailto:r.beynon at liv.ac.uk
http://www.liv.ac.uk/pfg            |http://www.csiv.org

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