This is what REALLY SUCKS about whingeing

Jeffrey Reynolds jeff at
Sat Nov 26 14:38:10 EST 2005

hmm, well i havnt seen this flavor of oddness, but the few weird 'how 
did that happen???' things with groups have all happened on the Windows 
side for me and I do most of my development on the Mac side. Since this 
is usually after a lot of development time, its hard to say exactly 
what caused it all, its almost always unreproducable, so most likely 
just a screwup somewhere along the way.

I think some of this is summed up by some stuff just does happen, 
whether its a bug, file corruption or a user goof or just doing things 
in such an order that a strange event happens (yes this is a bug, but 
not a real one since all extreme permutations/combinations cant ever be 
tested/accounted for). I find that the total quantity of these in MC 
and Rev while developing all sorts of apps to be very low compared to 
all other systems i have used over the last 25 years on macs or pcs. I 
have also never gotten myself painted into a corner with Rev or MC and 
always found a solution or at worst a work around. I have watched many 
friends and coworkers get painted into some very, very nasty corners in 
the past with many of the other big systems out there!

Expecting no strangeness to happen in complicated systems like this is 
just asking way, way too much, IMHO. Yes its frustrating when you hit a 
snag, but a deep breath, some elbow grease, and post/replies from this 
list has always gotten around this for me with MC/Rev. It would be 
great in a perfect world that this would never be needed, but living in 
the real world i find that MC/Rev has made my life sooo much better 
than the alternatives I have worked with, that i can put up with a few 
oddities once and great while.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 26, 2005, at 1:00 PM, use-revolution-request at 

> On 11/24/2005 at 05:04 PM, Thomas McGrath III <3mcgrath at> 
> wrote:
>> This definitely sounds like a user error. If you have more than one
>> menu group it will create confusion. If the group "fgttryiolk" is in
>> the place menu then it was because you 'the user' created it first,
>> Rev certainly did not create it or put it in your stack. Rev gets
>> blamed for things like this all of the time.
> I have seen this "behavior" frequently -- yes frequently -- in the OS X
> version(s) of Rev since waaaaay back. Oddly though, the situation 
> where a
> stack, group, or object strangely gets named some crazy name like
> "fgttryiolk" can hardly be written off as completely user error 
> because I
> never see this happen in the Win2K/XP version of Rev. I don't want to
> anger the MacOS fans on this list, but there are anomalies like this 
> that
> do not show themselves in Win or Lin systems.

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