This is what REALLY SUCKS about RunRev! - was Menubar Help

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Thu Nov 24 12:50:09 EST 2005

Dave, it's cool. Take a deep breath. You've got a lot of love in the 
room on this list.

Complaining, making threats and playing the role of the disgruntled 
customer won't go as far here as calm discussion. Please be careful 
about dissing Runrev in particular - your careless comments could 
scare away lurkers - potential runrev users (and therefore a 
healthier business, with continued development, etc). I have no doubt 
that you will find help in this place within hours. The best 
scripters in the world hang out here.

This stage (OUTRAGE+Confusion) is typical of one's self-education in 
using rev. Either it will be fixed in the next revision or we write a 
thing to go around it for now. As far as I'm concerned the gains in 
using this erector set far outweighs any glitches I encounter.

Are you angry enough to write your own Menu Maker? It can be done.

>What Gives? Why is this SUCH a difficult thing to do in RunRev? I 
>don't know any other environment where this is SUCH a big deal, I 
>could have done this 100 times over in C or even PowerPC assembler!
>Getting to the end of a long day and I have to get this working 
>tonight! I really don't want to have to tell my boss that I can't do 
>this in RunRev and that the support it so bad that you can't even 
>get someone to look at it!
>All the Best

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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