Object Orientation in arrays

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Tue Nov 22 09:30:09 EST 2005

On 11/22/05 3:55 PM, "David Bovill" <david at openpartnership.net> wrote:

Hi David,

>> ---------
>> FYI, we have realize that Valentina with its Object-Relational
>> model is
>> perfect for XML work. This have point one my friend, that is
>> teacher in
>> university. He say that we must add into Valentina support of
>> XQuery, DOM,
>> DAV, HTTP, ...
> So XQuery is an evolution of XPath? Always ahead of the game I see!
> Can I give you an example we are working on to see how Valentina
> would fit into the picture - rhetorical :)
>      1) We have a bunch of interfaces that generate farily complex
> XML documents to post to web services - person metadata, video clip
> metadata and so forth.
>      2) These web services parse this data and store it in relational
> databases (sorry postGres)
>      3) Other web services queerie the database and return XML
>      4) Custom fields are stored as XML in a generic record so that
> we can extend easily by just adding interface elements on the clients
> - for retireve and display purposes - later to be integrated into db
> if required
>      5) Revolution based interfaces can generate and store XML
> locally - batch uploading later and used as persistant off-line store.
> Now what would be nice is to use Valentina to store these local XML
> structures in a flexible way (not just the relational model which is
> hard to cusotmise). How would this marry to your comments on storing
> XML in Valentina?

Will be several ways to store and use XML documents.
We only starting this work, so I cannot provide many exact info.
> What would be nicer would be to be able to easily translate the local
> Valentina model into a relational model for the online services - not
> an option to use the Valentina Server at this stage.

Oh, this is not easy task.

Like ask to translate high-level Revolution script into C++ code,
    or C++ into C
    or C into assembler

> Finally as part of the MVC / Rails discussion this online database
> would be able to generate much of the code stubs for an AJAX web
> application.
> That is a flexible Rev / Valentina offline client would be able to
> generate relational tables and therefore act as an Rails / Ajax
> scaffold generator.
> What sort of flexibility would be possible in terms of storing and
> retrieving relatively generic XML?

A) you store XML as is into TEXT field. Valentina do self rest magic to
effectively manage it

B) you split XML document into Relational *or* Object-Relational structure.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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