Difference between Step over and Run
Jim Hurley
jhurley at infostations.com
Mon Nov 21 19:32:07 EST 2005
>I have noticed in the debugger that there is quite a difference in
>time of execution between
> Step over
> Run
>even when Run takes me to the very next line of code--a line which is
>also a break point.
>When the handler to be Stepped over is complex, the time to execute
>Step over can be prohibitive. In such cases I set a break point at
>the next line and Run to the next line. This is VERY much faster.
>Is this a bug? Wouldn't it be better if RR executed Step over as if
>it were a Run to the next line of code? Does the "Step over" do
>something other than "Run" to the next line when that next line is a
I knew it would come to this some day. Here I am responding to my own
message. (I don't own a cell phone, but I appreciate them
nevertheless. I can hold my hand to my ear and talk to my imaginary
friends without attracting undue attention.)
Here is an example of the problem I have with the debugger. The
following handlers are in a button script:
on mouseUp
lock screen
doWindowWork--There is a break point marker at this line.
beep--There is also a break point marker at this line.
end mouseUp
on doWindowWork
put the ticks into tStartTime
put 1 into field 1
repeat 100
add 1 to field 1
end repeat
put cr & the Ticks - tStartTime after msg box
end doWindowWork
When I run MouseUp and Step over the line "doWindowWord" in the
debugger, it take 1100 ticks to get to the next line, "beep"
When I hit "Run" at dowindowWork it takes 10 ticks to run to the next
line, "beep"
Now it gets really weird. If you comment out the "lock screen" line
it takes only 30 ticks to step over the doWindowWork line. The
doWindowWork is 30 fold faster if the screen is not locked. (This
applies only to scripts run in the degugger.)
Moral: Even though the screen is locked by script, it is not locked
when running the debugger, UNLESS you Run to the next line. And it
will run though the window work much faster if you unlock the window.
Unless someone recognizes this as a known bug in the debugger, I will
submit it.
You can try your luck at:
In the message box:
go stack url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/WeirdDebugger.rev"
(Be sure to set break point markers at the indicated lines.)
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