Spelling out the license - some geometry handlers
David Bovill
david at openpartnership.net
Mon Nov 21 14:27:42 EST 2005
On 21 Nov 2005, at 19:50, Richard Gaskin wrote:
The license is the best place to start. The MC IDE license spells
out its own terms, and points to the Rev license which governs the
As an example:
Some recent code I have been working on trying to formalise the exact
issues going on with the various wonderful "formatted" sizes you can
get Rev to return (see below):
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license,
visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send a
letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
This means that you can use it without asking for non-commercial
reasons - education or for your own use for example. It also means
that you may freely distribute to others, but should you charge or
sell the product commercially then you need to get back to me and
negotiate. Lastly if you modify it and redistribute, then you under
the license you are required to notify me of the content of your
modifications so that I can benefit.
Now of course for a small piece of code like this - well may as well
be given away public domain (which is dubious legally in many
countries). But this is an example.
The problem with much of the freely available code, content, icons,
whatever in this community is that pooled they make a fabulous
resource - but not a legal one. That is you really have to go to each
and every contributor and clear the license for every submission (if
you can get hold of them and if you can't you are stuck).
Without doing this, we all loose as we cannot scale the community
contributions. A well thought out open source strategy would open
some of the RunRev content - say the documentation, and create a
policy (say on this list or at another location) which defaults to
all submissions of code and creative content posted to use a given
--> Groups and formatted sizes
function rect_GetVisibleRect groupRect, someGroup
put the margins of someGroup into someMargin
margin_Normalise someMargin, left_Margin, top_Margin,
right_Margin, bottom_Margin
if the showBorder of someGroup is true then
put the borderWidth of someGroup into someBorder
if the showName of someGroup is true then
put the effective textHeight of someGroup - someBorder -
1 into someBit
add someBit to item 2 of someMargin
end if
put subtractMargin(someBorder, groupRect) into groupRect
end if
put subtractMargin(someMargin, groupRect) into myInner_Rect
return myInner_Rect
end rect_GetVisibleRect
on rect_SetVisibleRect myGroupRect, showInvisible
put the long id of me into containerGroup
-- object dependent
put rect_GetVisibleRect(myGroupRect, containerGroup) into
-- testRect myInner_Rect, "Inner Rect"
put the toplevel_GroupIDs of containerGroup into topGroupIDs
put myInner_Rect into innerGroup_Rect
repeat for each line someID in topGroupIDs
if the visible of control id someID is false then
if showInvisible is true then
set the visible of control id someID to true
next repeat
end if
end if
put the height of control id someID into groupHeight
put item 2 of innerGroup_Rect + groupHeight into group_Bottom
put group_Bottom into item 4 of innerGroup_Rect
set the group_Rect of control id someID to innerGroup_Rect
put group_Bottom into item 2 of innerGroup_Rect
end repeat
end rect_SetVisibleRect
function group_InnerRect someGroupObject, groupMargins
put the rect of someGroupObject into groupRect
if myMargins is empty then put the margins of someGroupObject into
put subtractMargin(groupMargins, groupRect) into myRect
return myRect
end group_InnerRect
function width_MaxIndexGroupContainerWidth containingGroup
put empty into widthList
put the number of groups of containingGroup into maxNum
repeat with groupNum = 1 to maxNum
-- maybe can use formatted width of group?
put the long id of group groupNum of containingGroup into
put the long id of fld 1 of indexGroup into someField
put width_RealFormatted(someField) & "," after widthList
end repeat
return max(widthList)
end width_MaxIndexGroupContainerWidth
function formattedWidth_GetField someText, someField, someTextStyle
lock screen
put the htmlText of someField into oHtmlText
set the text of someField to someText
if someTextStyle is not empty then
set the textStyle of char 1 to -1 of someField to someTextStyle
end if
put the formattedWidth of someField into someWidth
set the htmlText of someField to oHtmlText
unlock screen
return someWidth
end formattedWidth_GetField
function width_RealFormatted someObject
put the formattedWidth of someObject into someWidth
if the showBorder of someObject is true then
add (2 * the borderWidth of someObject) to someWidth
end if
return someWidth
end width_RealFormatted
function height_RealFormatted someObject
put the formattedHeight of someObject into someHeight
if the showBorder of someObject is true then
add (2 * the borderHeight of someObject) to someHeight
end if
return someHeight
end height_RealFormatted
--> Margins
function addMargin someMargins, someRect
margin_Normalise someMargin, left_Margin, top_Margin,
right_Margin, bottom_Margin
subtract left_Margin from item 1 of someRect
subtract top_Margin from item 2 of someRect
add right_Margin to item 3 of someRect
add bottom_Margin to item 4 of someRect
return someRect
end addMargin
function subtractMargin someMargin, someRect
margin_Normalise someMargin, left_Margin, top_Margin,
right_Margin, bottom_Margin
add left_Margin to item 1 of someRect
add top_Margin to item 2 of someRect
subtract right_Margin from item 3 of someRect
subtract bottom_Margin from item 4 of someRect
return someRect
end subtractMargin
on margin_Normalise @someMargin, @left_Margin, @top_Margin,
@right_Margin, @bottom_Margin
if the number of items of someMargin = 1 then
put someMargin into left_Margin
put someMargin into top_Margin
put someMargin into right_Margin
put someMargin into bottom_Margin
put item 1 of someMargin into left_Margin
put item 2 of someMargin into top_Margin
put item 3 of someMargin into right_Margin
put item 4 of someMargin into bottom_Margin
end if
put left_Margin,top_Margin,right_Margin,bottom_Margin into
end margin_Normalise
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