Living together BUT not married: RR/MC and Linux

David Bovill david at
Mon Nov 21 13:26:40 EST 2005

On 21 Nov 2005, at 19:20, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Mathewson wrote:
>> Now, maybe I'm wrong, but . . .
>> I believe that it is perfectly legal to download the
>> Metacard IDE, download a copy of DC/RR, and then transfer
>> the RR engine across to the Metacard IDE.
> Correct. However, note that since your copy of the IDE won't be  
> licensed, all your scripts will be limited to ten lines.

Unless you have a Rev license - then you have an open source IDE  
built on top of a proprietary engine - similar to flash and not too  
far even from Java where the developer has effectively no control of  
the runtime bite-code compiler which is free but not open.

Java projects are generally thought of as pure open source - Rev  
projects could be marketed in a very similar fashion. With Java you  
often pay mucho for professional development environments - though  
there are "free" open source versions available.

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