Living together BUT not married: RR/MC and Linux

David Bovill david at
Mon Nov 21 09:21:03 EST 2005

Linux support is not about how many desktops you can sell  
applications to - it is about the quality of developers you can  
attract, and the ability to deliver intranet, and government  
contracts (at least here in Europe) which specify support for open  
platforms. It is also about being able to leverage the huge amount of  
"free" code that is available on this platform and integrate it into  
the project.

Maybe only 1-2% of your typical desktop customers will be using linux  
- but I personally would not be using Revolution without good Linux  
support for the reasons above.

On 18 Nov 2005, at 21:17, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> I don't know RunRev's position, but for myself I see Linux as a  
> challenging beast with two heads:  one head speaks loudly and  
> generates a lot of buzz value, but the other head tells me its  
> desktop users are relatively few and only a small percentage of  
> those like paying for the software they use.
> On my side, supporting Linux is a checkbox and an installer and I  
> still don't bother.
> On RunRev's side the committment is much more extensive, and it  
> remains to be seen how directly profitable it is.

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