Calling webservices from RR

Ton Kuypers tkuypers at
Sat Nov 19 10:06:52 EST 2005


Do you already have a some kind of demo stack from which I (and other  
interested persons on this list) can take a look at and learn from it?
Just to get me started, if it is to confidential to share with the  
world, please contact me off-list, I'm really interested in what you  

Many thanks in advance,

Ton Kuypers

On 18-nov-05, at 19:37, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Hi There folks,
> welcome to the Revolution. As a matter of fact Rev can do  
> webservices, any webservices you want as long as you can code. It's  
> not as simply as some languages where you drop a WSDL file and all  
> the methods are added. There are libraries for SOAP and XML-RPC.  
> The SOAP library, I think its being redone at this moment, so the  
> current one is deprecated, since I hate Soap I don't keep following  
> it. The XML-RPC one (my choice for web services) work very fine.  
> Before Rev sported a official XML-RPC library, I was able to code  
> my own XML-RPC stack very easy. Revolution socket routines are very  
> powerful, if you understand the string manipulation ones and the  
> XML ones, then you can DIY anything that goes thru HTTP.
> If you want to use server side libraries instead of client ones,  
> you must code your own, but they are easy to do, and if you also  
> use libCGI they are even easier to do.
> You don't need altBrowser for that, but anyone working with Rev and  
> web will find a very nice friend in both altBrowser and altSQLite.  
> As it appears below, you're controlling both sides of the system,  
> well, if you're making the client and the server in Rev, and your  
> app won't need to interface with foreign clients then you can throw  
> the standards to the wind and create your own web services spec as  
> it suits you but keep in mind, both Soap and XML-RPC are just fancy  
> XML, it's very easy to use them in Rev.
> Cheers
> andre
> PS: I'll try creating some demo stacks in the near future.
> On Nov 18, 2005, at 10:49 AM, Alessandro Manotti wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I had the same problem.
>> I search in internet, and everything I found was an unofficial stack
>> (it seems old...) to use soap.
>> So I reached this conclusion: I use RunRev power to manage xml (not
>> soap), then I create a jsp page (or javabean) in a Java server which
>> will act as a service broker. So the "hard job" will be done in the
>> server, then I send/receive data from/to RunRev in xml   :-)
>> Obviously, you can use any web server-language you wish (php, zope,
>> python, perl, etc...).
>> On 11/18/05, Ton Kuypers <tkuypers at> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Has anyone experience with using Windows Webservices from within
>>> Revolution applications and interacting with them?
>>> If not directly, maybe via altBrowser?
>>> Before I start testing en getting specs from the developers of these
>>> Webservices, it would be nice to know if I can use them...
>>> regards,
>>> Ton Kuypers
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