Cmd-A doesn't work from Keyboard in Standalone

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Fri Nov 18 15:50:42 EST 2005

> > One way or another, we seem to have an OS 10.3 / 10.4 disparity,
> > don't we?
> Well, perhaps... it may also be a plugin or something that has a frontscript
> that's grabbing the request? Or did you already install a fresh build and
> test that?

I can confirm Charles' results with 10.4.3 & Revoloution - so it's not
just a DreamCard thing. If I suspend the development tools it works
fine, so it's either Rev itself or some plugin, that is intercepting
the Command-A. However it is a mystery why it does it in 10.4 and not
in 10.3


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