Living together BUT not married: RR/MC and Linux

Dan Shafer revdan at
Fri Nov 18 14:38:36 EST 2005


On Nov 18, 2005, at 7:01 AM, Mathewson wrote:

> Maybe it is time for RR/MC to contain an in-built media
> player that 'travels with it' and standalones ? ? ?

I'm not at all sure I agree, even though the *outcome* you depict is  

There are standards for media. I'd rather have Rev support those  
standards than roll its own built-in media player. Writing and  
supporting such a player would seem to me to be a significant  
undertaking and I have other, higher priorities in mind for what *I*  
would like Rev to spend time and resources doing.

A quick search reveals there are multiple apps that allow you to use  
Linux with QT. So is the real problem RR's support for QT or its less- 
than-stellar support (to date) for Linux? IOW, I'd hate to see RR  
spend resources building a media player if the real problem is that  
they need to extend their QT support somehow to embrace Linux.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"

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