Living together BUT not married: RR/MC and Linux

Mathewson richmond at
Fri Nov 18 10:01:05 EST 2005

I, once upon a time, lived with a woman for a number of
years - and we never quite got round to committing
ourselves: and, surprise, surprise, we parted ways because
we never really learnt to work together.

Now I am married and everything is much smoother; even, if
one wants to bite near the bone; 'seamless'.

alright, alright, Richmond gets all metaphorical . . . 

However, owing to problems associated with the Linux
version of RR (mainly with handling media files), I can see
a parting of the ways in my crystal ball if RR doesn't make
the great leap (well, its not going to be Linux - being the
amorphous 'thing' that it is).

I honestly wonder if RR/MC's dependence on Quicktime is not
a burden on other platforms as well? It certainly stands in
the way of my other great fantasy - RR for RISC OS.

Maybe it is time for RR/MC to contain an in-built media
player that 'travels with it' and standalones ? ? ?

This would certainly make things considerably more

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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