open with on windows does not work with rev. Heeeeeelp :-)

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Nov 16 20:49:18 EST 2005

On 11/16/05 7:03 PM, "Sarah Reichelt" <sarah.reichelt at> wrote:

>> So I doubleclicked on the plugin (has a .rev extension) and windows asked me
>> what application I wanted to use. Since rev was not in the list, I clicked
>> browse to go to the rev 2.6 folder and clicked on revolution.exe.
>> I then clicked open and then OK. Oooooops. Windows XP did not recognise
>> revolution.exe and set all the files with a .rev extension to firefox. :-(
>> I tried going to the individual properties and diong it that way but still
>> no luck. Windows does not recognise revolution as an app to associate
>> fieltypes with.
> I can't help, but I can confirm this except that in my case, Windows
> insists on using WinRAR to boot my .rev stacks. When I choose "Open
> with..." I get a list that does not include Revolution, so I choose
> Browse and go and find the Revolution.exe. After finding it, it still
> doesn't appear in the list, so I can't select it and I can't tell
> Windows to use it for all .rev files.
> I assumed it was just me as I am not a Windows person, but maybe it is
> Rev. Should I try re-installing? I uninstalled WinRAR but that didn't
> help.

It's not Rev, it's WinRAR co-opting the '.rev' extension for its own use
(for "RAR Recovery Volume"). Apparently uninstalling WinRAR doesn't remove
the extension adjustment that was put into the Registry by the WinRAR

To fix this, you'll need to go into RegEdit, into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR)
and hunt down the ".rev" key. Clicking on it will show that the default
value for the .rev key is "WinRAR.REV", which in turn points to the
WinRAR.REV key in HKCR. Opening that, and expanding "shell", then "open",
then "command", you'll see that the default value is the path that points to
the WinRAR executable.

Sinc RunRev apparently doesn't install a key in HKCR for Revolution (or at
least, I can't find one on my PC), you'll have to do this:

1) Change the 'HKCR\.rev' default value to "Revolution" instead of

2) Create a subkey under HKCR for 'Revolution', then a subkey under
'Revolution' for 'shell', then a subkey under 'shell' for 'open', then
finally a subkey under 'open' called 'command', and then set the value of
the 'HKCR\Revolution\shell\open\command' key to the path to Revolution, like

   "C:\Program Files\Revolution 2.6.1\revolution.exe" "%1"

Then close the Registry. At this point, the .rev files will still show the
RAR icons, but 2x-clicking on them will launch Rev. If you log out and log
back in again (or reboot your PC), the icons will now display as Rev icons.

I hope someone at RunRev is going to call the guys at WinRAR and try to get
some kind of settlement over the .rev extension...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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