scope puzzle with menus

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Nov 16 01:39:04 EST 2005

Charles Hartman wrote:
> Jacque,
> I would not have thought of that in 127 days. Thank you!
> (I'm still a little puzzled. I still don't see why my "script local"  
> variable is getting tampered with by something outside the script at  
> all. I fear I'm missing a General Concept here.)

Well, if you open the message watcher and then press and release a key 
you'll see something like this:


Each of those is a different system message and each carries as a 
parameter the key you have pressed and/or released. If you hold down the 
Command key while doing the same thing, you only get these messages:


There is no "keydown" message sent when the Command key is down. You can 
take advantage of that to trap only plain keypresses.

Let's say you've pressed Cmd-U. The reason the key is included in your 
script local when using a "keyUp" handler is because Rev is sending both 
rawKeyUp-U and keyUp-U. The menus act on the rawKeyDown/Up messages, but 
that's only half the set; your script is trapping the keyUp and storing 
the "U".

It is natural to think of a keypress as a single "up" or "down" event, 
but it's really two sets.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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