[offlist] Re: Unicode in Window Title?
Trevor DeVore
lists at mangomultimedia.com
Tue Nov 15 22:37:28 EST 2005
On Nov 15, 2005, at 6:20 PM, ron barber wrote:
> Hi again,
> One workaround is to set the language of the OS in the
> International section of the system preferences. For Russian, you
> can drag it to the top of the list. Note this also changes the
> special menu items - help, about, quit and maybe another that I
> can't remember. Another way to do this is to create a folder in the
> Resources folder within the Contents folder within the package
> titled "Russian.lproj". Then in your application,
> where RussianWord is a word typed in Rev in Russian:
> put unidecode("RussianWord","Russian") into tword
> set the name of wd "untitled 1" to tword
That works! Thanks. I'm already loading the language based on the
system preferences, I just had to run the uniDecode stuff on it.
> In my Japanese/Chinese/Korean/English app, I have the user choose a
> default language and work with it this way. Try it and let me know
> if it works for Russian as well.
Are you handling all of your text in Unicode in your app? If so, did
you just write your own handlers for dealing with chunk expressions
(word, item, char, etc.)?
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
trevor at mangomultimedia.com
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