open with on windows does not work with rev. Heeeeeelp :-)

Bob Hartley rev at
Mon Nov 14 15:46:53 EST 2005

Hi All.

I was wanting to launch a rev plugin to check for updates. (I won't mention
the plugin because it is not the fault of the plugin). I deleted rev 2.5
because I use 2.6 and the old rev version kept launching.

So I doubleclicked on the plugin (has a .rev extension) and windows asked me
what application I wanted to use. Since rev was not in the list, I clicked
browse to go to the rev 2.6 folder and clicked on revolution.exe.

I then clicked open and then OK. Oooooops. Windows XP did not recognise
revolution.exe and set all the files with a .rev extension to firefox. :-(

I tried going to the individual properties and diong it that way but still
no luck. Windows does not recognise revolution as an app to associate
fieltypes with. 

Anyone got any idea what I should do (appart from using a mac. :-)
I'm thinking along the lines of my first forray into the registry. Ohhhh!


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