The Disappearing Desktop - It's Real This Time
katir at
Sun Nov 13 15:57:05 EST 2005
Dan: I am admittedly very ignorant of the overall picture, issues and
the lexicon of this environment (AJAX is another brand name for COMET
you use to clean sinks..) , but this is still an important discussion
for us as we develop our own web sites and services, so let me just
ask some basic questions.
when you say "this kind of app" can you describe "this kind of app"
in your inimitable style of "how to get thru to newbies" in 5
sentences or so. I'm swimming in many terms that seem to have very
wide definition scope.
We are already deploying some Rev apps to remote staff people and
these apps talk to our server here... and at the data center in
Connecticutt.. get data (either sound files, text files or data from
a POSTGreSQL dbase), upload data. etc. is this what you mean by "this
kind of app." In one case, it gets data.. they can work locally and
then upload later... ie. runtime connectivity is not required to do
the job, just to start and then to complete. I have another app that
downloads blank white GIFS that are letter sized: of a comic book,
and kids can colorize them in Rev and print them out if they have a
printer, and then join register as a "Mystic Mouse Club Member." and
the little stack they need to do the painting is downloaded in the
background from the server... never installed perse..they have to be
connected... its something Mom can respond to positively if her
little daughter says "Can I use the internet?" the child goes on
line and feels "connected" when the little white swan flies down
bringing a coloring page from far away... is this what you mean by
"This kind of app" as opposed to... what?
One thing I see out of this is that while the serve side interpretor
"engines" are now "free" they is nominally supported by RunRev...
there's no revenue stream there... but I think we would all like to
see that change.... perhaps it is as simple as licensing the raw
server engines to only those who have bought the program. We don't
use PERL or PHP or PYTHON on the web server so, I've kind of already
bought into Rev as both our client side and server side tool box.
On Nov 13, 2005, at 10:14 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:
> But I don't think this negates the fundamental truth of my core
> position here: this kind of app, perhaps with additional
> infrastructure improvement, is the wave of the future. Rev
> developers and RunRev itself need to be positioned to play an
> appropriate role in this new universe or get run over.
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