scrolling to a line

MisterX b.xavier at
Sun Nov 13 13:37:38 EST 2005

> > set the hilitedline of me to lo (0 works ok! ;)
> I don't think so, unless I'm being even denser than usual. If 
> there's no match at all, 'lo' will contain 0, so no scroll at all.

I meant it unselects anything if you click in an empty line ;)

can be handled how you want...

for example if you keep the last selection in a script local

local lastselection

on mouseup
  if line is empty then
    set hilitedline of the field to lastselection
    put the clickline into x
    if it's empty delete then line x -- ;)
    set the hilitedline of the field to x
    put x into lastselection


Nice fields get quickly complicated ;)


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