The Disappearing Desktop - It's Real This Time

Judy Perry jperryl at
Thu Nov 10 03:04:42 EST 2005


Just today I was at my "office" in my university's "satellite" campus at
the old El Toro marine base.

No wi-fi.

Network speed is simply gawdawful.

Something like two or three public access Macs (I'm a Mac user).

Man, I'd  hate like heck to have to rely on thin clients and the like.

(I had a bad day: I couldn't even d/l and install iTunes to grab a tune I
wanted to use to illustrate the problems of offensive speech to my
students [Tom Lehrer's 1959 recording of "Smut"]).



On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Mark Wieder wrote:

> That may be true, but according to UNESCO's 3 November report on
> Knowledge versus Information Societies 11 percent of the world's
> population has access to the internet. And that's not talking about
> wired-in broadband connection - this includes dialup and folks who
> simply have access to internet cafes and such.

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